
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Deco Class ~ 30/5/2010

Mira, my fren
Thanks for coming
Nk bawa anak pun, budget-cupcakes xde problem.
Weekend biasanya nk sama2 family kan?

Nie la hasil tangan Mira..

M U ~ Ordered by Linda (UiTM's Staff)

Deco Class ~ 15/5/2010

Kak Zaliha
From Sutera, Kajang

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Thanks to Muna (Shah Alam)

Mother's Day

Thanks to Che Hayatie

Elmo - Edible Image

Ordered from Dr Fazilah (sowi kalau salah spell nama).
Request pictures Elmo ala2 hooray hooray..
Pandai dia pilih design ^^.

Cuppies ni di hantar ke Dr Mazura di Ukay Perdana utk bday Farrel.
Masa sampai tu hujan baru nk 'on'. Nasb belum hujan betul2 lg..
he he

Anyway, thnks for ordered with us.

Budget-cupcakes terima sms on the same day dari Dr Fazilah "thank u 4 ur service, n the cupcakes were lovely.thanks again."

Tahniah fo Adilah

Adila ni dpt matrikulasi di Pahang (Teknikal).
So, ade la kenduri kecil2 lan utk nya.

Sambil2 menikmati satey, bihun sup dll. Xlupa jugak dgn cupcakes ni.
Bak kata org..ini adelah dessert / pemanis mulut.

Simple deco buttercream & fondant ~

Fondant - Thank you

Ordered by Yati (my x offismate).
Request something nice & simple for a boy.
So, ni la hasilnya..

Delivery to Yati pe pagi buta di keramat.
I xkisah, mmg lalu ke arah sana pun
So, sesiapa area Ampang/ Sentul/Setapak/Wangsa Maju..weekday pun leh deliver

Baby Blue's cuppies for Hantaran

Akmal's Birthday

Ordered by Aishah from Australia.
Masa Aishah call tu, betul2 line xjelas..
Dpt fhmkan sket2 jer.
Selebihnya, komunikasi dgn email jer.
So, permintaannye adelah design MU~

Delivery ke Bdr Baru Bangi
Sek 6, cari2 pun xjumpa tmbhan ari hujan renyai2.
Nsb ade hp no, minta tunggu di Mc D shj.
Sowi yea Aishah ^^

Last but not least, thnks to Aishah order dgn budget-cupcakes dr kejauhan ~_~

Bday cuppies with Minnie Mouse and Upin Ipin

Happy birthday A'lia
Simple je deco kali ni, since xcukup masa (last minit ode) sib baik la mama dia ( Kak IZah) ni sporting.

Lambat update sbb xcukup masa nk upload he he..
Jgn mare yea..